
How to Make Your Home Safe for Pets

Many common household items and appliances can be dangerous for pets. If you’ve recently gotten a new pet and want to make your home safe before introducing him to his new home, it’s important to pet-proof your home. Here are some great tips for pet-proofing your home for a new pet. 

Close Off All Escape Routes and Hiding Places

Cats and small dogs can fit into some small, tight places. Before bringing a new pet into your home, you should make sure all hiding places are closed up tight. This includes cabinet doors, crawl spaces, vents, washer and dryer doors, cubby holes, windows, and anywhere else your pet might get stuck. Make sure all escape routes to the outdoors are properly closed off as well. New pets might constantly try to get outside. 

Put all Chemicals, Cleaners, and Solvents Out of Reach

Anything that could be poisonous or dangerous for your pet to consume should be kept out of reach on a high shelf or in a locked cabinet. This includes chemicals, solvents, cleaners, antifreeze, alcohol, toxic foods, laundry detergent, and anything else hazardous or poisonous. Regularly check boxes, bottles, and containers to make sure they aren’t leaking. 

Put Away Cords and Wires

Cords and wires can be choking, strangling, or electrocution hazards for pets. Make sure all wires are shielded and/or out of reach of your pets. Opt for cordless blinds, or make sure the cords are up and out of reach. Don’t leave your pet alone in rooms that have a lot of electrical cords, appliances, or dangling objects.

If your pet has gotten into something in your home and you think he is injured or ill, take him to an emergency veterinary hospital right away. If you have any questions about safely pet-proofing your home, contact your veterinarian.

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