
What to Do When Your Pet Has an Upset Stomach

Two common symptoms that pet owners frequently encounter are vomiting and diarrhea. While these symptoms can be very distressing, they’re not always an emergency. But how can you tell the difference between a medical emergency and a harmless stomach bug? Keep an eye out for some of the following signs. 

If Your Pet is Vomiting: 

Vomiting can be a sign of several underlying conditions, including indigestion or more severe problems like poisoning or GI obstructions. Occasional vomiting may not be an immediate cause for alarm. However, if you notice persistent vomiting, blood or parasites in the vomit, or that the vomiting lasts for more than 12 hours, take your pet to the veterinarian.

If Your Pet Has Diarrhea:

Like vomiting, diarrhea in pets can be caused by several things, including dietary changes, infections, or more serious health problems. Mild diarrhea that persists for a day or two may not need emergency medical care. But if it continues for several days, contains blood, or your pet has trouble walking or standing, you should get professional help.

What to Do

Until you can get your pet to the veterinarian, do not feed them anything that could upset their stomach. You can try to offer them their normal food, but they may not want to eat. Always make sure they have access to clean water, as dehydration could be a serious problem if they’ve been vomiting or having diarrhea. Your veterinarian will provide further guidance at your visit. Do not give your pet any medications for vomiting or diarrhea unless directed by your veterinarian. 

Contact Your Veterinarian Today

The presence of vomiting or diarrhea in your pet isn’t always an emergency. However, understanding the context and severity of these symptoms is crucial. It’s always best to ask your veterinarian if you have concerns about your pet’s health.

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